Lontong rice cooker. Resep membuat Lontong atau Ketupat dengan menggunakan Rice Cooker. Learn how to easily make ketupat or lontong using rice cooker or Instant Pot. No more wrapping and hours of boiling.
Jangan lupa Like dan Share ya. Because the rice cooker environment is sealed, it reduces the air pressure over the liquid so it boils faster. A temperature sensor within the machine monitors the heat inside the cooker; when it starts to. Kalian dapat menghidangkan Lontong rice cooker menggunakan 2 bahan bahan dan 4 langkah. Berikut cara kalian untuk menghidangkan itu.
Bahan bahan
- Kalian perlu 1 cup beras.
- Siapkan 3 cup air.
A rice cooker is a piece of kitchen equipment that can cook many varieties of rice and grains. Rice cookers work by boiling water, which is then absorbed into the rice until it becomes tender. The rice cookers in Japan are more high tech and have a very futuristic look, but Zojirushi rice cooker uses pressurized cooking and AI (Artificial Intelligence) to cook rice. Jadilah ketupat dan lontong a la rice cooker.
- Cuci beras. Lalu masak seperti masak nasi biasanya..
- Taruh aluminium foil di loyang atau bisa juga menggunakan daun pisang atau plastik sebagai alasnya. Angkat lalu cetak di loyang sembari dipadatkan..
- Tunggu dingin terlebih dahulu, lalu potong kotak kecil2.
- NB : Perbandingan antara beras dan airnya 1:3.
So bagi anda yang tinggal di kota, di rantau atau punya hajat dan ingin bikin lontong sendiri, silahkan mencoba trik ini dan semoga sukses. How to cook absolutely perfect Japanese plain steamed rice, the Japanese way. How Japanese people cook rice at home? Japanese people are so big on cooking delicious rice. Siapa sih yang nggak tahu lontong?