Choco Banana Milkshake. The Choco-banana Milkshake recipe out of our category None! Try them out! choco banana milkshake. food maker family. Загрузка. Place the frozen banana chunks, powdered drink mix, milk, and vanilla ice cream into a blender, and blend until smooth and creamy.
This amazingly delicious chocolatey treat is anything but your average milkshake. Always feeling guilty when you gulped down that creamy milkshake packed with sugars? Peel and cut it into slices. Kalian dapat memasak Choco Banana Milkshake menggunakan 5 bahan bahan dan 3 langkah. Berikut cara kalian untuk memasak ini.
Bahan bahan
- Kalian perlu 2 buah pisang ukuran kecil.
- Kalian perlu 250 ml susu cair cokelat.
- Kalian perlu 2 sdm susu milo cokelat.
- Kalian perlu es krim walls vanilla.
- Siapkan topping : mesis cokelat.
Put the milk, vanilla ice cream and banana into a blender. Whizz everything up until smooth then pour into a tall glass. Tok Aba mendapat pisang yang sangat banyak dari Gopal, jadi Tok Aba dapat idea untuk mencuba resepi terbarunya. Chocolate and banana share a great affinity, the two flavors blending together perfectly to create a rich and satisfying taste.
Langkah langkah
- Siapkan seluruh bahan. susu cair dan pisangnya didinginkan dulu di kulkas ya.
- Blender seluruh bahan hingga halus.
- Tuang pada gelas kesayangan anda. beri topping mesis atau sesuai selera. nikmati selagi dingin. choco banana milkshake is ready to be served. happy cooking ❤️❤️.
When a banana is added to a chocolate milkshake, the drink suddenly. Place the peeled bananas and the remaining ingredients into a blender jar. Blend on high speed until the ingredients are well combined. Choco-Banana Milkshake adopt (OPEN!) Smoothies & Shakes » All Recipes » Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie. However, sometimes a shake turns out so well that it simply demands to be written down so that I can re-create.